Newcomer Wellness
The Job Search Workshop gave me a feeling of self-confidence and faith in success. It wasn’t even a week after the workshop when I got an interview invitation. I passed it easily, and with no stress at all. I was ready! And here it is, my first job offer in Canada, three days later!!” The Job Search Workshop also gave me a feeling of self-confidence and faith in success. It wasn’t even a week after the workshop when I got an interview invitation. I passed it easily, and with no stress at all. I was ready! And here it is, my first job offer in Canada, three days later!!”
-Irina (April 2018 Newsletter)
"Thanks for the amazing program (Family Art Festival) you guys made. It was an awesome experience. It was entertaining, educational and also a bonding tool between parents and children” Client, 2021
“Thank you so much for the training and motivation that you gave me. I am so happy that I attended the classes.”
-Phillip (March 2019 Newsletter)
“I was on the verge of homelessness and throughout the many places I had been calling each day and crying, I got scheduled for a telephone appointment with you, Mohammad, via the Ajax Welcome Centre. You were the only person to have gone that extra mile on my behalf.
Today, I am honoured to state that my son and I have successfully been accepted into a shelter and are receiving support on the path to independence. You also caused me to understand and motivated me on how to get involved in volunteering. I would like to express a heartfelt thank you to you for the pivotal role you played in my journey thus far.” - Mohammad Oct 2020
“We would like to sincerely thank you for all your help and services this past year. You helped us to reunite our family through your support and kindness”
-Hassanzada and Yossofzai families (Feb 2019 Newsletter)
“Success for me is being happy and being proud of one’s achievements. I am proud to say, I have fulfilled some of my dreams in my new country, Canada. My advice to newcomers -follow your dreams, never give up and work hard to realize your personal goals. If I did, so can you. Your dreams can become a beautiful reality someday.”
-Maribel (2019 WC Newsletter)
Community Development Council Durham’s Newcomer Wellness – offering wellness checks + workshops for immigrants and newcomers in Durham Region to improve individual and community well-being.
Activities Include:
- Health + Wellness workshops
- Weekly Check-ins
- Ongoing support and referrals
- Encourage a healthy and active lifestyle
- Enhance emotional well-being
- Build a social network
For more information call, 905-686-2661 ext. 134 or contact us using the the form below.
Community Development Council Durham (CDCD) & Ajax Welcome Centre held a Newcomer Wellness Activity Day on March 14, 2023.
Newcomer families were able to celebrate the interconnection of our mind, body, and spirit as well as our overall health and wellbeing “We all experience wellness in different ways, and we wanted to ensure there is something for everyone.” Sobia; Team Lead, Newcomer Wellness, Volunteer and Youth Services.
Families had the opportunity to attend activities such as Zumba, a petting zoo, and art and crafts. We also offered workshops on social media wellness, creativity, mental health, gratitude & reflection and mental health. Participants had the opportunity to stop by a number of community booths, including the Region of Durham Health Department, the Ajax Public Library, Durham Welcome Centers and CAREA.
“Wellness is an individual pursuit. Our emotions, spirituality, experiences, beliefs, goals, actions, social and cultural environments all have an important impact on mind-body harmony. The key is to find a wellness technique suited to your unique lifestyle.” Sobia; Team Lead, Newcomer Wellness, Volunteer and Youth Services.