
View our monthly calendar for upcoming events, information sessions, and group activities to help you settle, live and explore your community.

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Please join us either in-person at the Ajax Public Library, or virtually via Zoom  for this Workshop with the amazing presenters from WomenatthecentrE.

The session will touch on the following :

  • Making warm referrals
  • How to navigate the system, how to prepare for safety and/or be independent.
  • Available resources in general, who might be able to help in addition to shelters .
  • Knowing the potential options; while every situation is unique ,but its beneficial to know what to expect in general, for example : will police be involved every time, criminal court Vs family court, children’s aid involvement, importance of time lines and how that might affect eligibility for services, immigration status and sponsorship, etc.
  • Human Trafficking.

Please register to attend. 

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